Finally, he slept with a client named Maria while he was on his trip to Barcelona. He manipulated Grace into marrying him in the first place because he proposed to her in front of her parents at a Christmas Eve party, so she couldn't say no without losing face. That's why while he plays high class poker games and is a wine snob, he also sneaks down to a crappy bar to drink beer with lowly construction workers. He became ashamed enough, both of their ignorance and of an incident where they had to live in a shelter for six months, that it's what caused him to obsess over riches and material possessions, hence why he admires Grace's rich and smart but phony parents now, however, he feels he can't get rid of his past and doesn't know who he is, he feels he's a phony. Also, he grew up extremely poor, with his family always living "on the edge", and his parents were ignorant. Trip can't accept the idea of an artist wife, which is why he pushed her into advertising.Both Sides Have a Point: Subtle example, since you need to play through the game multiple times to get all the information, but both Trip and Grace have contributed to the failing marriage, and conversely each of them have good reason to be pissed off at the other person.Getting the game's Golden Ending involves helping them understand that they don't have to feel bad about any of these things. This is somewhat justified by the fact that Trip and Grace are extremely neurotic people, meaning it's not out of the question for them to have these irrational personal anxieties.It's often hard to tell who the player should side with (and they force you to choose at least twice in every playthrough) when they don't seem to have any rational system of logic to dictate what they think constitutes appropriate behavior, for both you and themselves. On Grace's side, she seems to think having her work praised is a moral offense. For example, being a bartender for a bar in the slums is apparently a terrible thing in Trip's opinion, which is why he hides it. Blue-and-Orange Morality: Trip and Grace sure have their moral priorities in a twist.Blatant Lies: When throwing you out of the apartment, Trip may insist that he and Grace will be "fine." Considering that you overheard a heated argument, and they may have had at least one with you around to hear it, that claim isn't very believable or reassuring.Trip: *Smacks the door in the player's face* note Of course they're slang for a woman's breasts, but the game is coded to not take context into account.If you say it at the very beginning:

Infamously, however, he also hates the word "melon". Berserk Button: Trip will throw you out immediately if you say certain things, most of them sexually inappropriate and therefore understandable.Backstory: Unfolds a little bit at a time.As You Know: "So, ten years ago, that's when you introduced us, right?" Say "No" for a good laugh.Ass Shove: If you want to, you can set any object down on the couch and then sit on it.WelshGamer technically beat the game by saying nothing but "Pineapples" the whole way, he only got kicked out after telling Grace to "shut the fuck up".brutalmoose accomplished it by doing nothing except using the word "Yes" the entire game.It's apparently possible to get the best ending by being a nonsense-spouting obnoxious jerkass.Sooo, can I make you one of my drink inventions?